How to select name for new pharmaceutical, ayurvedic, cosmetic and healthcare company

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How to select name for new pharmaceutical, ayurvedic, cosmetic and healthcare company

In the pharmaceutical, ayurveda, cosmetic, healthcare, or any other sectors, choosing a catchy name for a business is crucial. The name you select for your company is crucial to building a solid brand identity and luring clients. A clever name may have a big impact on how your business is viewed and where it stands in the market in these highly competitive and regulated industries. The advice that follows is appropriate to all industries, not only those in the pharmaceutical, ayurvedic, and dietary supplement industries. This technique is utilized in a similar way for other companies’ names, brands, and trade names, such as distributors, wholesalers, retail pharmacies, medical stores, ayurvedic enterprises, and companies that provide cosmetics, healthcare products, health supplements, nutraceuticals, and food supplements, among others. selecting a name is a significant decision, so take your time and thoroughly evaluate your options.

Before Choosing a name for any business think few facts:

  • Is it Satisfy the Business Identity Need?
  • Is it Unique?
  • How many Letters it has?
  • Is it easily remember able and pronounceable?
  • Is it has any silent character?
  • Is it directly related to business?
  • Is it technical and professional in nature?


Your brand is developed with a powerful and enduring name as its cornerstone. It serves as the public face of your business, showcasing its principles, products, and general identity. It makes a good first impression, may arouse feelings, convey reliability, and set your company apart from rivals.
A name that exudes trust and trustworthiness is essential in the pharmaceutical, ayurveda, cosmetic, and healthcare sectors because goods and services directly affect consumers’ wellbeing. Customers want for assurance and dependability in the brands they select, and a well selected name may aid in building that trust.

A memorable name can also improve word-of-mouth advertising and brand memory. It’s more probable that pleased consumers will refer your goods or services to others when your company’s name is simple to recall. Increased brand awareness, consumer loyalty, and eventually business success can result from this.
Choosing a suitable name becomes even more important when you take into account the tight laws and regulatory requirements in these sectors. The chosen name must adhere to all legal requirements, avoid deceptive terminology, and not violate any already-registered trademarks or copyrights.

A strategic choice with long-term effects is choosing an appropriate name for your pharmaceutical, ayurveda, cosmetic, or healthcare business. A compelling and enduring name may help create a distinctive brand identity, draw clients, and build credibility. It is a crucial step in preparing your business for success in these cutthroat and important industries.

A strong and well-thought-out name can contribute to the success of your company in the long run. Here are some steps to help you select a suitable name:

  1. Understand your brand
  2. Brainstorm keywords
  3. Identify naming styles
  4. Generate name ideas
  5. Check availability
  6. Consider legal and cultural factors
  7. Test and gather feedback
  8. Finalize the name

Understand your brand:

Understanding the core values, mission, and vision of your company is essential when selecting a name for your pharmaceutical, ayurvedic, cosmetic, or healthcare business. It lays the foundation for creating a name that aligns with your brand identity and resonates with your target audience. Here’s why it’s crucial:

  1. Brand Identity: Your company’s identity and purpose are reflected in its fundamental principles, mission, and vision. These components outline your company’s values, guiding principles, and impact objectives. By being aware of these factors, you can select a name that captures and conveys the spirit of your company, building a strong and consistent brand identity.
  2. Products/Services Offered: Think about the particular goods or services your business offers. Whether your products are medicines, ayurveda treatments, cosmetics, or healthcare solutions, the name should accurately describe their nature and function. For instance, a business that sells natural cosmetics can use a name that suggests purity and organic components.
  3. Target Market: Effective branding requires a thorough understanding of your target audience. Different age groups, demographics, or geographic areas may react differently to particular name types. You may choose a name that appeals to and grabs their attention by determining your target audience and their preferences.
  4. Unique Selling Points: Decide on your competitive advantages or unique selling characteristics. What distinguishes your business from competitors in the field? It may be creativity, excellence, value, affordability, sustainability, or tailored services. By include these distinctive characteristics in the name, you may effectively distinguish your business and draw in clients looking for those particular features.

It guarantees that the name fits your brand identity, appeals to your target market, and clearly conveys the benefits your business delivers. Your ability to develop a name that resonates and connects with clients in the pharmaceutical, ayurveda, cosmetic, and healthcare sectors is improved by taking these things into consideration.

Brainstorming relevant keywords:

It is a crucial step in the process of selecting a name for your pharmaceutical, ayurvedic, cosmetic, or healthcare company. It helps you identify words and concepts that are associated with your industry and can serve as a foundation for generating name ideas.

  1. Industry Research: Conduct thorough research on the pharmaceutical, ayurvedic, cosmetic, and healthcare industries. Familiarize yourself with the terminology, trends, and common themes within each sector.
  2. Core Elements: Identify the core elements of your business, such as the types of products or services you offer. For example, if your company specializes in herbal medicines, relevant keywords could include “herbal,” “natural,” “organic,” “remedies,” etc.
  3. Targeted Benefits: Focus on the positive outcomes, desired results, or improvements that your target audience seeks. Examples of keywords could include “wellness,” “vitality,” “revitalize,” “beauty,” “rejuvenation,” “health,” etc.
  4. Descriptive Characteristics: Think about terms that convey professionalism, trustworthiness, expertise, and innovation. Examples of keywords could include “scientific,” “advanced,” “cutting-edge,” “premium,” “clinical,” “holistic,” etc.
  5. Cultural and Symbolic References: Explore cultural or symbolic references that are relevant to your industry. For example, in ayurveda, keywords like “Ayurvedic,” “Ayush,” “dosha,” “balance,” “harmony,” or names of herbs like “neem,” “turmeric,” “ashwagandha” can be considered.
  6. Emotional Appeal: Consider the emotional aspect of your brand. Reflect on the feelings, emotions, or aspirations your target audience may have in relation to your products or services. Examples of keywords could include “comfort,” “nurture,” “confidence,” “self-care,” “relaxation,” “empowerment,” etc.

Identify Naming Styles:

Different naming styles can be employed when selecting a name for your pharmaceutical, ayurvedic, cosmetic, or healthcare company. Each style has its own characteristics, and understanding them can help you choose a name that aligns with your brand identity. Here are three common naming styles and their pros and cons:

  1. Descriptive Names:
    • Descriptive names clearly convey what the company or product is about. They provide direct information about the industry, purpose, or benefits.
    • Pros: Descriptive names can quickly communicate your offerings to customers and establish immediate understanding. They can help build trust and credibility by clearly stating the nature of your business. These names are often straightforward and can be memorable for customers seeking specific products or services.
    • Cons: Descriptive names may lack uniqueness and may blend in with competitors in the industry. They can sometimes be long or generic, making it harder to stand out or be memorable.
  2. Abstract Names:
    • Abstract names are unique, invented words that do not have a direct literal meaning. They are often coined specifically for branding purposes.
    • Pros: Abstract names offer a high level of distinctiveness, allowing your brand to stand out from the competition. They can evoke curiosity and intrigue, leading to increased brand recognition. Abstract names also provide flexibility, as they are not tied to specific products or services.
    • Cons: Abstract names may require more effort to establish initial understanding since they lack direct associations. Customers may need more exposure to the brand to develop familiarity and recognition. Depending on the name’s creativity, it may require additional marketing efforts to explain its meaning and association with your industry.
  3. Coined Names:
    • Coined names are created by combining or altering existing words, or by modifying spellings. They are unique and distinctive while still maintaining some level of familiarity.
    • Pros: Coined names offer a balance between distinctiveness and familiarity. They can be memorable and stand out among competitors. Coined names also allow for trademark availability since they are typically unique and less likely to clash with existing brands.
    • Cons: Coined names may require additional marketing and explanation to establish associations with your industry or offerings. Depending on the chosen words or modifications, coined names can be more challenging for customers to pronounce or spell correctly.

The choice of naming style should align with your brand identity and objectives. Descriptive names work well when clarity and immediate understanding are essential. Abstract names can be powerful in creating a unique and memorable brand, allowing for flexibility and expansion.

Consider your target audience, industry norms, and the image you want to project. It’s important to strike a balance between creativity and clarity, ensuring that your chosen naming style resonates with your brand identity and effectively communicates your value proposition to customers.

Generate Name Ideas:

Generating name ideas using the identified keywords and naming styles involves a creative process that combines relevant keywords, explores variations, and employs different techniques.

  1. Keyword Combinations:
    • Combine relevant keywords to form name ideas that reflect your company’s identity and offerings. For example, if your company specializes in natural cosmetics, you could combine “Organic” with “Beauty” to create “Organic Beauty Labs” or “BeautyOrganics.”
  2. Modified Spellings:
    • Modify the spelling of words to create unique and memorable names. This technique can help differentiate your brand while still conveying the desired meaning. For instance, “SynGlow” combines “synergy” and “glow” to create a distinctive name for a skincare company.
  3. Blended Words:
    • Blend words together to create new and meaningful combinations. For instance, blending “pharma” and “vital” can result in “Pharmavita” or combining “ayur” and “care” can give you “AyurCare.”
  4. Evocative Imagery:
    • Consider using evocative imagery or metaphors related to your industry. For example, “Evergreen Health” evokes vitality and longevity, while “Celestial Herbals” creates an association with natural and heavenly ingredients.
  5. Acronyms:
    • Use acronyms to create memorable and concise names. Ensure that the initials have a positive connotation and are easy to remember. For instance, “RxCare” for a pharmaceutical company or “VitaWell” for a healthcare brand.
  6. Foreign Language Inspiration:
    • Draw inspiration from foreign languages, particularly those associated with your industry or product origin. For example, “Veritas Therapeutics” derives from the Latin word for “truth,” emphasizing authenticity and trust.
  7. Brandable Suffixes or Prefixes:
    • Add brandable suffixes or prefixes to existing words to create unique names. For example, “MediSolutions,” “PharmaCore,” or “HerbaNova.”
  8. Name Generators and Tools:
    • Utilize online name generators and tools that incorporate your keywords and industry. These tools can provide additional inspiration and generate name variations you might not have considered.

Aim for a name that is unique, memorable, and reflects your brand identity while resonating with your target audience. By employing these techniques and combining the identified keywords with naming styles, you can generate a wide range of name ideas that capture the essence of your pharmaceutical, ayurvedic, cosmetic, or healthcare company.

Check Availability:

Checking the availability of the shortlisted names is a crucial step in the naming process for your pharmaceutical, ayurvedic, cosmetic, or healthcare company. It ensures that the chosen name is unique and legally available for your use.

  1. Avoid Legal Issues:
    • Checking the availability of a name helps you avoid potential legal conflicts. By searching for existing companies, trademarks, and domain names, you can ensure that your chosen name does not infringe upon the rights of others.
  2. Establish Brand Identity:
    • By ensuring that your name is not already associated with a competitor or a similar industry, you can create a strong brand presence without dilution or confusion.
  3. Online Presence and Domain Name:
    • It is important to secure a domain name that matches or closely aligns with your company name. Availability checks help you identify if the desired domain name is already taken or if variations are available. Having a consistent and easily accessible online presence is essential in today’s digital era.
  4. Consumer Perception:
    • The availability of a name can impact how consumers perceive your company. If a name is already associated with a poorly reviewed or controversial entity, it may tarnish your brand image or create negative associations.
  5. Brand Consistency:
    • It allows you to secure social media handles, email addresses, and other digital assets that match your company name. Consistency across these platforms helps customers easily find and connect with your brand.

To check availability, conduct comprehensive searches across multiple sources:  .

  • Use online search engines to research the shortlisted names and variations.
  • Search trademark databases to ensure there are no registered trademarks that conflict with your name.
  • Check domain registrars to see if the desired domain name is available or if similar alternatives are possible.
  • Consider consulting legal professionals or trademark experts to ensure a thorough search and to navigate any legal complexities.

By conducting availability checks, you can confidently choose a name that is legally and practically available, reducing the risk of conflicts and establishing a strong brand identity for your pharmaceutical, ayurvedic, cosmetic, or healthcare company.

Consider Legal and Cultural Factors:

When selecting a name for your pharmaceutical, ayurvedic, cosmetic, or healthcare company, it is important to consider legal requirements and regulations to ensure compliance and avoid potential issues.

  1. Trademark Availability:
    • Conduct a thorough trademark search to ensure that the name you choose is not already registered or being used by another company in a similar industry. Trademarks protect intellectual property rights and prevent confusion among consumers. Using a name that infringes on an existing trademark can lead to legal disputes and costly rebranding efforts.
  2. Intellectual Property Rights:
    • Ensure that the name you select does not infringe on any existing copyrights, patents, or trade secrets. It’s important to respect and protect the intellectual property of others and avoid using names or terms that are already protected.
  3. Regulatory Compliance:
    • Familiarize yourself with the regulatory requirements and restrictions in your industry. Pharmaceutical, ayurvedic, cosmetic, and healthcare companies often have specific regulations regarding product claims, ingredients, labeling, and advertising.
  4. Avoid Misleading Terms:
    • Avoid using terms or words in your name that could be misleading to consumers. For example, using terms like “clinic” or “medical” in your company name may imply that you provide medical services when you actually offer cosmetic or wellness products.
  5. Cultural Sensitivity:
    • Consider the cultural implications of your chosen name, especially if you are operating in multiple regions or targeting diverse communities. Ensure that the name does not offend or misrepresent any cultural or religious beliefs. It’s important to conduct research and seek feedback to ensure your name is culturally appropriate and inclusive.
  6. Compliance with Advertising Standards:
    • Check advertising standards and guidelines in your jurisdiction to ensure that your chosen name aligns with these regulations. Advertising bodies often have rules and restrictions on claims, endorsements, and language used in promotional materials.

Consulting with legal professionals or trademark experts is highly recommended to ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations. They can provide specific guidance based on your industry and jurisdiction, helping you navigate the legal complexities involved in naming your pharmaceutical, ayurvedic, cosmetic, or healthcare company.

Test and Gather Feedback:

Gathering feedback from trusted individuals or potential customers is a valuable step in the naming process for your pharmaceutical, ayurvedic, cosmetic, or healthcare company. Feedback helps evaluate the resonance, impact, and perception of each name, providing valuable insights to make an informed decision.

  1. Objective Perspective:
    • Feedback from external sources provides an objective perspective on the potential names. It helps you gain insights from individuals who are not directly involved in the naming process and can offer fresh viewpoints and unbiased opinions.
  2. Resonance with Target Audience:
    • It helps you assess how the name resonates with your intended market. Understanding their preferences, associations, and perceptions regarding the name can guide you in selecting a name that appeals to your target audience and aligns with their expectations.
  3. Emotional Response:
    • Feedback allows you to gauge the emotional response elicited by each name. Different names may evoke different feelings, associations, or connotations. Understanding how the names are perceived emotionally can help you select a name that elicits the desired response and creates a positive brand connection.
  4. Brand Identity Alignment:
    • Feedback helps you assess whether the potential names align with your desired brand identity. It allows you to evaluate if the names accurately reflect your company’s values, mission, and unique selling propositions. Feedback can shed light on whether the names convey the intended message and image you want to project.
  5. Unintended Associations or Misunderstandings:
    • It helps you identify any potential negative connotations, cultural misinterpretations, or conflicting meanings that may arise with specific names. Addressing these concerns early on can help avoid future issues or challenges.
  6. Memorable and Distinctive Qualities:
    • It helps you assess if the names stand out from competitors and are easy to remember, pronounce, and spell. Understanding which names leave a lasting impression can guide you in selecting a name that has a stronger brand recall.

When gathering feedback, consider the following approaches:

  • Conduct surveys or interviews with a representative sample of your target audience.
  • Share the potential names with colleagues, industry experts, or mentors for their input.
  • Seek feedback from branding or marketing professionals who have experience in naming and brand development.

Finalize the Name:

Making a final decision on the name for your pharmaceutical, ayurvedic, cosmetic, or healthcare company requires careful consideration of feedback and personal preferences. Here’s guidance on the final decision-making process:

  1. Review Feedback:
    • Review the feedback gathered from trusted individuals and potential customers. Look for common themes, positive responses, and any concerns or suggestions raised. Consider how each name performed in terms of resonance, perception, and emotional impact.
  2. Assess Alignment with Brand Identity:
    • Evaluate how each potential name aligns with your company’s core values, mission, and unique selling points. Consider if the names accurately reflect the desired brand image and resonate with your target audience. Ensure that the chosen name embodies the essence of your company and its offerings.
  3. Consider Personal Preferences:
    • Take into account your personal preferences and instincts. Consider which name resonates with you the most and aligns with your vision for the company. It’s important to feel a strong connection and enthusiasm for the chosen name since it will be representing your brand.
  4. Balance Feedback and Personal Preferences:
    • Strike a balance between feedback and personal preferences. While it’s essential to consider external opinions, remember that you are the ultimate decision-maker. Aim to find a name that aligns with both external perceptions and your personal vision for the brand.
  5. Seek Legal Consultation:
    • Once you have finalized a name, consult with legal professionals or trademark experts to ensure all necessary steps are taken to protect the chosen name. They can assist with conducting a comprehensive trademark search, assessing legal risks, and guiding you through the registration process to safeguard your brand.
  6. Domain and Social Media Availability:
    • Before making the final decision, ensure that the chosen name is available as a domain name and across relevant social media platforms. Consistency in your online presence is important for branding and customer accessibility.
  7. Future Expansion and Adaptability:
    • Consider the potential for future expansion and adaptability. Ensure that the chosen name can accommodate potential growth, new product lines, or diversification of services. Flexibility in the name can save you from rebranding efforts down the line.


Selecting a suitable name for a pharmaceutical, ayurvedic, cosmetic, or healthcare company is a critical step in establishing a strong brand identity and attracting customers. Throughout this article, we have discussed key points to consider in the naming process. Let’s recap:

  • The importance of understanding your brand’s core values, mission, and unique selling points. Consider your products/services, target market, and desired brand image to guide the naming process effectively.
  • The process of brainstorming relevant keywords associated with the industry. Examples of commonly used keywords include pharmaceutical, wellness, natural, ayurvedic, beauty, care, and health.
  • Different naming styles, such as descriptive names, abstract names, and coined names. Each style has its pros and cons, and it’s important to choose one that aligns with your brand identity and resonates with your target audience.
  • Generating name ideas using keywords and naming styles. Techniques include combining keywords, modified spellings, blended words, evocative imagery, acronyms, foreign language inspiration, and using brandable suffixes or prefixes.
  • The significance of checking the availability of shortlisted names to avoid legal conflicts. Search for existing companies, trademarks, and domain names to ensure the chosen name is unique and legally available for use.
  • Considering legal requirements and regulations, avoiding misleading terms, false claims, and trademark infringement. Comply with advertising standards and respect cultural sensitivities to select a name that reflects your brand positively.
  • Gathering feedback from trusted individuals or potential customers to evaluate the resonance, impact, and perception of each name. Consider both external feedback and personal preferences to make an informed decision.
  • The recommendation to consult with legal professionals to protect the chosen name through trademark searches and registration.
  • The reminder to ensure domain and social media availability and to consider future expansion and adaptability when finalizing the name.

A well-thought-out name is crucial for the success of your pharmaceutical, ayurvedic, cosmetic, or healthcare company. Take your time, follow the structured approach outlined in this article, and consider all the relevant factors to select an appropriate name that resonates with your target audience and accurately represents your brand.

By investing effort into selecting a strong and memorable name, you lay the foundation for building a reputable and recognizable brand in the competitive market of pharmaceuticals, ayurveda, cosmetics, and healthcare.

If your business name satisfy above mentioned facts, then you can assure about your business name.

Example List of Names for Your new Pharma company:

You can select from the names listed here, but you should also experiment on your own. You can put whatever phrase you choose after or before these names, including pharmaceutical, life sciences, biomedical, and biotech. Before handing you these names, we did not check them at the trade mark public search at  , and we disclaim all liability for any similarity or duplication. You should therefore make all necessary changes on your own to come up with the perfect company name. Here are a few instances; if you can provide us some details by name, we can give you the best response.


Hope you will find above name useful or you will get idea from above names to find best name for your pharma company.

Check out How To Start Your Own Pharma Marketing Company


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One Response

  1. rashmi says:

    Crafting a compelling company name is pivotal as it encapsulates your brand’s essence and vision.
    you’ll craft a name that defines your brand and fuels its growth.

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