What Is PCD Franchise OR Pharma Franchise ?

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What Is PCD Franchise OR Pharma Franchise ?

In this article we studied about the concept of PCD Franchise for Indian pharmaceutical market.

For the understanding of PCD pharma company concept or monopoly pharma company or PCD pharma franchise business. We will go through below points.

  1. PCD franchise definition
  2. how PCD franchise works
  3. career opportunity in PCD pharma franchise
  4. Advantage of PCD franchise
  5. Benefits of PCD franchise
  6. Basic criteria for choosing pcd franchise
PCD Franchise Definition 

PCD term defines the PHARMA CUM DISTRIBUTION.  This is one of the marketing term in pharmaceuticals. It is well known term in India pharma industry and widely used. Almost every pharma manufacturer and entrepreneur involve in this PCD franchise business. It give a lot and regular growth and development to business. PCD pharma franchise give opportunity to individual for the growth and development. pcd franchise business is a unique platform for pharma professional and other organization to earn good and stable business in India. PCD or pharma franchise business give regular growth to business. The PCD franchise or pharma franchise business is growing in India day to day due to the consumption and demand of pharma product because the uses of pharma and other product will never end. Due to the benefit and opportunity this business adopted by lot of professionals in India.

How PCD Franchise Works

For the PCD Franchise company or pharma franchise company is totally based on monopoly and straightforward business. This business consist between two parties or company . One is pharma franchise company or franchiser and second one is franchise or distributor person. In pcd pharma business one company provide all service to second company.


Pharma Franchise

Pharma Franchise Concept


In this business both parties work for mutual benefit and both agree on same term and condition for business. In pcd business the pharma company (franchisor) send drugs or products to pharma distributor (franchise) and the pharma distributor use the  same company name, trademark and brand name for selling and marketing of goods in desired area in Indian market.

Now there is two ways for pharma company to do PCD pharma business or pharma franchise business.

  1. To appoint several distributor in allotted area and they market the pharma product due to that the pharma product availability is high for customer.
  2. Through monopoly basis. Most of the pharma companies and franchiser follow this way. They give the franchise for unrepresented area to decrease the competition. Due to monopoly rights the franchise or distributor person apply his own marketing and selling skills for selling the products. Due to that franchise or distributor get the complete control on business and without having worry about sales target.


Career Opportunity In PCD Franchise Business

Lot of opportunity is present with pharma business. Starting a PCD franchise company in pharmaceutical is good in profitability. Wide options present in healthcare

  1. Medicine Distribution
  2. Unani/Ayurvedic/ Homeopathic Medicine Distribution
  3. Medical/ Health Supplement Distribution
  4. Surgical Material Distribution
  5. Over The Counter (OTC) Products Distribution
  6. Hospital Pharmacy
  7. Chain Pharmacy
  8. Medical Equipment Promotion and Distribution
  9. Standalone Pharmacy
  10. Township Pharmacy
  11. Online Pharmacy


Advantage Of PCD Franchise Business
  1. Low investment for starting a business in pharma sector
  2. Low risk for starting a business in pharma sector.
  3. Start business with minimum quantity and increase quantity according to demand.
  4. No work pressure and you will be your own boss.
  5. In same time associated with no. of companies or organizations according to the personal benefits due to that opportunity will increase and limitations will be decrease.
  6. Work according to your choice and in that area where person take benefit
Benefits Of PCD Franchise 

PCD franchisee has lot of scope and growing day by day. Pharma franchisee has wide scope in India and pharma professionals are aware about that. Thus they are investing in this and getting good benefit. Apart from this benefit the pcd pharma franchisee has lot of benefit. Due to franchise business lot of people associated with you and can generate more business. Mutual trust and understanding of franchisee and franchisor grows business successful and profitable.

  1. good income from this business
  2. low investment in this business
  3. low risk in this business
  4. no work pressure in this business
  5. no time limitation in this business
  6. no promotional and advertising cost
  7. could be your own boss in this business
  8. start work in your respective area


Basic Criteria For Choosing PCD Franchise

Before starting a business or choose a pcd franchisee a person should check

  1. the no. of products available with company.
  2. the approvals of company
  3. starting investment required for company
  4. company provide promotional material or not
  5. name of company pronounce easily or not
  6. quality of products
  7. company is registered or not according to country rules.
  8. goodwill of company
  9. consignment delivery


We hope this article give helps to you to understand the concept of PCD pharma franchise business. PCD pharma franchise business is very good and profitable. Even PCD pharma franchise business provide a good relation with healthcare professionals and also due to that get good position in social life.


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