Work and Responsibility of a Zonal Sales Manager

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Work and Responsibility of a Zonal Sales Manager

This article covers : Work and Responsibility of a Zonal Sales Manager

  • Zonal Sales Manager Definition ( 3rd line manager )
  • How to Work
  • Salary Structure 
  • Criteria for the Zonal Sales Manager Job
  • Work and Job Responsibilities Of Zonal Sales Manager
  • Qualities for Zonal Sales Manager

First we have to know about sales team in Pharmaceutical Sector.

Sales team Includes:

Medical Representative (Front Line Manager)
Area Sales Manager (ASM)
Regional Sales Manager (RSM)
Zonal Sales Manager (ZSM)
National Sales Manager (NSM) OR Deputy General Manager (DGM)
General Manager (GM)
Vice President (VP)


Zonal sales manager is very  big responsibility and very sensitive in sales. a zonal sales manager drive a very big team. a zone is handle by the zonal sales manger. most of the time 3- 5 state covered by 1 zonal sales manager. zonal manager is responsible for making most profitable zone. he is responsible or accountable for managing the activities in co workers area, deliver assigned sales goals and related objectives from the strategic sales plan. he is more responsible for the implementation of activities and analysis of current culture present in team. He handles 70 – 100 people team for example – 6 regional sales manager + 12 area sales manager + 60 medical representatives.


He gives the direction to regional sales manger to achieve the sales target in rupee wise. he always analyze the team and develop future mangers in his team the zonal sales manger should be smart , intelligent, bold, knowledgeable, knows the fact of markets and  have scientific knowledge , industry knowledge, clinical knowledge, market knowledge. He conduct the interview for job of medical representative, area sales manager, regional sales manager. generally he ask or discuss about the   


A regional manager with 4- 5 year experience and have good sales track can apply for the zonal sales manager job. some time same company promote a regional manger to zonal sales manager. otherwise all companies hires zonal sales manager from outside. various job portals present like ,, monsters even now by  in job option is there which helps to get a good job and good hike in package. zonal sales manager able to handle team, events, and review meetings. he had good relation in doctors organization and in good hotels (for the CME, REVIEW MEETINGS, RTM).


Duties And Responsibility Of Zonal Sales Manager

  • Strategize for the achievement of regional sales target through the zonal team by break down of annual targets to half yearly then quarterly and finally monthly.
  • Continuously monitoring the achievement of targets by keeping close check on monthly.
  • Target achievement by regional manager, area manger and their respective team.
  • Ensure satisfactory resolution of client queries and concerns in timely manner.
  • Communicate product schemes and offers to the regional managers and ensures their implementation.
  • Achieve inventory planning and control in such a manner that the stock are sufficient for immediate order fulfillment as well ensuring that the products to not exceed the expiry date or get technologically redundant or non competitive in the market.
  • Communicate proposed inventory level to the dgm or nsm for approval.
  • Coordinates with marketing for the organization of seminars, meets and conferences on zonal
  • Level for building a prospective client database.
  • Interacts with large customers for the product feedback.
  • Enhance productivity 
  • Ensure successful launch of new product
  • Programme implementation
  • Coordination with NSM / HO deliver effective communication in co workers
  • Suggest for reduction in promotional activity expense
  • Ensures to maintenance of ” NORMS AND STANDARD OF COMPANY POLICIES”
  • Increase morale in his team during meeting and in batch wise sessions and  maintain discipline and decorum in his team
  • Planning and structuring the business and team
  • Increase the morale of people to take new responsibilities and develop new mangers in his team
  • Take approvals from Head office for the participation in state and national conferences.
  • Regular joint work with : medical representative ( front line manager) minimum 1 day / MR/ MONTH  and  maximum time area sales manager ( first line manager) or Regional sales manager  present during zonal sales manger working. even he can work with medical representative alone means without any other manager.
  • Validate feedback and data which is collected by regional sales manager from his team


  • Excellent communication and negotiation skills.
  • Should have excellent interpersonal and relationship management skills
  • Planning and organizational skills.
  • Regularly joined field working and generate or suggest new ideas in his team.
  • always implement the strategy  at ground level by motivating, instructing and rise morale for the company sales and for achievement. so that the team can generate more prescription business from doctors.
  • he should be excellent trainer with real and autenticated examples and should have good repo in industry.
  • he is well known personality in industry and have excellent knowledge of medical science which is helpful for solving doctor query  and for solving queries in his team


The salary for a Zonal sales manager  80000 to 150000 INR / month in initial level  and also depend on the company . Apart from that almost 40000 to 60000 INR/ month expense ( DA &TA ) given by the company. Most companies gives car fare and upto 5000 rs hotel limit and actual food bill to a zonal   manager. So, total 130000 to 210000 INR is drawn in the account of a Zonal manager. Incentive ( in rupees and foreign trip) is also there for a Zonal manger and in most companies annual meetings arrange at international location but it totally depend on the company guidelines. It’s a good position in pharma sales industry and during this  period a person get lot of things at all levels and learnings due to different different situations. Meet with reputed persons of the pharma sales industry like different company president, vice president, chairman, MD , HR during seminars, meetings, conventions others like APICON, ASICON. He can develop good relation in pharma industry. If a person spend 3-4 year successfully on this level then he will try for next level ( NATIONAL SALES MANAGER OR DEPUTY GENERAL MANAGER).

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8 Responses

  1. Real informative message for suitable position people

  2. Syed H Ulla says:

    Very practical and genuine information, meeting most of the roles and responsibilities of zonal level profile in pharma industry.

  3. Pushpendra Sharma says:

    Great insight.
    Please give a comparable review of 1st,2nd and 3rd line managers as well in short and crispy way.
    Means individual role.

  4. Destiny Ebe Jeje says:

    This is very helpful. Thanks a lot.

  5. Pradeep Soni says:

    Good for further growth.

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