How To Start Your Own Pharma Marketing Company

we resolve the pharma related queries

How To Start Your Own Pharma Marketing Company

This article covers and guides you about How To Start Your Own Pharma Marketing Company.

Every person whose working in pharmaceutical company as a

Medical Representative (Front Line Manager)
Area Sales Manager (ASM)
Regional Sales Manager (RSM)
Zonal Sales Manager (ZSM)

All above have a dream to start his own company. He want to be owner of his own venture. but most of them not start the company even we can say their dream not completed. Various reason behind that but one of the most important issue we will discuss in this article. because they do not know how to start your own  pharma marketing company and which things required for a pharma company like

Lot of queries and question which comes in a same time when we plan a pharma company business. In this article we will covered all above questions or queries and give a complete solution for the setup of a pharmaceutical company. every one not having so much money or funds for the pharmaceutical company because if we talk about pharmaceutical company everyone think about manufacturing unit but the cost or expenses for a manufacturing unit ( company) is very high or you can say in crores.

so, start your business with the starting of a pharmaceutical marketing company. it’s a best option for those who don’t have so much money but have a big dream and want to grow in life. First thing required for a business is ‘TRUST’ in yourself and in your capabilities. Here we will tell you and solve your all query about pharmaceutical marketing company.

  • how to find a company name
  • how to register company name
  • how to design and what type of logo consider for company
  • how much funds required for a company
  • where to manufacture the products
  • how to make product list
  • how to make price list
  • how to distribute  and promote the products
  • where to make other promotional material and inputs like visualate ( folder), reminder cards, lbl, gifts, scientific studies


  1. Company Registration
  2. Drug Licence number (D.L. No.)
  3. Goods and Service Tax ( GST ) Registration
  4. Trademark registration
  5. FSSAI Registration

All above documents are required to start a company. For the drug licence or DL.NO. you required on pharmacist registration no. and met with drug inspector of your area. they give one specimen copy of documents to you and same documents you can prepare.

For the Goods and Service Tax ( GST ) Registration you can visit the tax authority or a Chartered Accountant helps you to take a Goods and Service Tax ( GST ) Registration no.


Planning is most important tool or step for business.

`                 BUSINESS NEEDS PLANNING      

  • If you have marketing and sales experience than it’s good otherwise in starting you should have collect some experience and territory knowledge.
  • make a business plan on paper or in computer
  • According to business plan arrange finance ( own money, savings, loan)
  • research and prepare a list of molecules and sku’s (combination) of that molecules which you want to launch in market.
  • find a place for your business according to govt. rule. space can be rented or own . it’s totally depend on the person position but one thing is important premises or space should be approachable for visitors, transports and couriers.
  • Now finalize the company name and brand name of your company. it’s a very hard task because no. of companies present. so, your brand name and company name should not match with other companies. even names not sounds like registered brands. you can check you company and brand name at below link  .

first you register or check your trade name in class 5 and 35. company name in class 35. in this above process you can take help from chartered accountant or lawyer those involve in trade mark registration process.

  • Arrange one pharmacist for the registration of your shop or office for the billing. pharmacist may be your employee , partner or even you can use your pharmacist registration if you have.
  • Goods and Service Tax ( GST ) Registration number is required
  • find the printer and manufacturer which gives quality product to you. take quotation from printer and manufacturer , which helps in finalizing the best person and take feedback from market. above both person deliver his material on time .


  • make a business plan
  • finalize the company name and company logo
  • finalize the product name and price list
  • Print promotional material and packaging material
  • Finalize the product name and combinations
  • Finalize your premises for business and arrange required funds
  • Take trade mark registration and registration of company name
  • Apply for drug licence registration
  • Apply for Goods and Service Tax ( GST ) Registration no.
  • Finalize the manufacturer, place order of your product range and make a contract deal on paper ( rates, quantity and time period include in this paper).
  • Finalize the print and packaging, design material and send packaging material timely to manufacturer . on the behalf of packaging material manufacturer deliver finished goods timely. approximately 35 to 45 days required for manufacturing.
  • Partial payment is required for manufacturer in starting and rest payment can do after completion of product or at the time of delivery.
  • When manufacturer send goods by transport to you then he will send one bill copy along with goods.
  • Transportation
  • Receive product and put in his premises
  • On the behalf of manufacturer bill copy . you can take one final touch to our product list which is prepared during the finalization of list of product.

During the time of above registration and manufacturing process time. you can finalize the

  1. Visualate or product folder
  2. Preparation of promotional material and product manual
  3. Company profile and company overview for the company site

On the completion of above points , now you have your own company , own brand . you have one plan to success your dream. so, take charge and grab the market opportunity.


  • DSC (Digital Signature Certificate)
  • DIN (Director Identification Number) If company is in partnership then both partner DIN is required
  • PAN (Permanent Account Number) Card
  • GST NO.  ( Goods and Service Tax Number )
  • Identity Proof (Electronic ID / Aadhar Card / Passport / Driving License)
  • Passport Size Photo
  • Address Proof (Bank Statement / Mobile Bill / Telephone)
  • Rent Agreement (Notarized: For rented property) or Ownership proof
  • Latest Electricity Bill
  • MOA(Memorandum Of Association) or/and AOA (Article Of Association)

Procedure For Drug Licence Number

  • Drug inspector of your area give full detail and give one specimen of document required for the drug licence number.
  • Application will be submitted in form no. 19 with other detailed information forms.
  • Pharmacist registration number is required. pharmacist may be you or your partner or even your employee. pharmacist may b diploma in pharmacy or bachelor of pharmacy. even a person having so much experience at pharmaceutical shop then he can also apply for licence as a EP (Experienced Person) but that person should be graduate.
  • Premises size should have minimum of 10 square meter area (requirement of area may vary) and should have single premises.
  • Affidavits
  • Fees ( mode of fee and prescribed fee may vary) and fess submit online
  • Premises Blueprint or layout required which is prepared by architect
  • Freeze purchase bill copy with complete address.
  • Air Conditioner is required
  • Ownership or Rent agreement deed of premises.
  • Electricity bill of premises.
  • Affidavit of proprietor, partner, pharmacist, EP etc.
  • list of name, address , ID proof and role in company of all persons like director and others in case of private limited company.

When you complete submission of all above documents as a file then inspection will be done by drug inspector or drug authority or licensee authority. pass or rejection of your file is totally depend on the drug authority .

when your file will pass then you can start your billing and distribute your goods in the market and other pharma professionals.

Qualification and Eligibility for EP ( experienced person) and pharmacist

  • pharmacist may be Registered pharmacist under state pharmacy council (diploma in pharmacy , bachelor of pharmacy
  • EP ( experienced person) Minimum one and half year experience at registered wholesale drug licensed firm after graduation and name is registered as EP at Drug Office and he get his salary by cheque or account transfer because at the time of apply licence bank statement is required
  • Minimum four year experience as salesman in registered drug licensed firm after graduation and name is registered as EP at Drug Office.

Requirements for Goods and Service Tax Registration (GST):

GST is essential in India for doing any type of business/trading but below 25 lac annual turnover, there is no requirement of gst registration. GST registration is compulsory to obtain within 30 days after exceeding turnover above 25 lac. Unlike VAT, GST is valid in all states. It can be applied through portal provided by state government or center government. Here we are describing few most common requirements for Goods and Service Tax:
For applying for GST Registration, you can follow following Steps.

  • visit
  • There will be the two options: New User and Existing User
  • Click at New User and Enter your detail
  • Enter your mobile number and Email Address of the authorized signatory of the business person. Mobile number and email will be used for all future communication from the GST portal and person get all information only on phone number and E-mail.
  • You will receive a OTP on mobile number and Email id you entered in previous step and Enter this OTP.
  • After this enter information and scanned images as mentioned in Provisional registration form

Documents Required For Applying For GSTIN:

  • Digital Signature Certificate (Class II)
  • Address Proof of Business Entity
  • All Proprietor/Partners/Directors Address Proof
  • Aadhaar Card, PAN and Image etc.
  • Ownership Proof or Rent agreement
  • Partnership deed or memorandum of association/certificate of incorporation
  • Back Statement and Bank Detail


These are steps for starting Pharma Marketing Company in India. By doing all above steps you are ready to run your own pharma marketing company.

after read this article if you any query regarding How To Start Your Own Pharma Marketing Company please write us , we definitely solve your query and problems

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73 Responses

  1. Sujit Kumar Chakrabarty says:

    Dear sir I want to start my own pharma marketing company my qualification is B. Com and my experience is 8 YEARS in pharmaceutical company. So how can I take my company registration.

    • admin says:

      You just follow steps and you will get your own company registration

      • Salman Khan says:

        hello sir
        i am salman i have done in 2019 and have experience of 1 year on retail medical store of my father who has been running a medical store for 34 years he has drug license no. now i want to grow my business and want to sell my own pharma products so my question is -:
        is it necessary to register under company act to start pharma marketing?
        can’t i start only as proprietor?

        • admin says:

          You can start as proprietor, if you grown your business or if you want to start your marketing of your own product. It is better to register your company under company act.


        I want to start my own pharmaceuticals marketing company . can you help me Sir.

  2. Tanya williams says:


    Would you be intersted in acquiring list of top decision maker from Pharmaceutical industry?

    This list inculudes permission based business email address and complete business contact information.

    This list has been Verified and ready to Acquire.

    Feel free to let me know your thoughats on the same .

    Thanks and Regarding
    tanya Williams
    Business Development Executive

  3. admin says:

    You can go through by article it will help you and if you want to talk send your contact no. Our person will call you and assist h

    • Vinod chaparwal says:

      I have register Company name,
      Company address ,name , partner , owner , should match with Drug License address place , name , owner or may be different.
      GST PAN will be on company or DL number name,
      Please guide

      • admin says:

        Dear, in case of proprietorship your pan card is sufficient. But in case of partnership rule is changed. All official documents directly related to owner or partners.

  4. Hi , I want to start my own business in Pharma Sector as a pharmaceutical distributor, I have almost 10 years of experience in sales and marketing, need your suggestions and guidance

    Pravat Sahoo
    Ph 9810229432

    • admin says:

      dear pravat ,
      thanks for your message. we feel very happy to help you.
      i will guide you each and every thing. you just tell me which type of company and product you want to start. because i can give good manufacturer to you . those give you small batch in starting period. so, that your primary investment is less and you can work more.
      very soon we will contact you. yo just send a mail from your side on our official mail id
      have a nice day.

  5. admin says:

    thanks for liking our post and for your comment.

  6. Murali mohan Reddy says:

    Gudevng sir,hai hellow sir ,I have started the company sir,by name M/ S Ysr Analyticals & Lab Chemicals sir, Ymmr

    • admin says:

      hello murali moohan reddy,
      congrtz for your company. if you required any help from our side. please forword to us.

  7. Amit says:

    Hello sir I’ve 4yrs experience in pharmacuitical industry as mr. I want to start my own company.plz suggest me how can I start.

    • admin says:

      if you want to start your company. first find the name and check the availability of name. final the product which you want to launch and in starting you go with small batches. it also helps in you primary investment. if you required any help in name registration and product manufacturing please mail us.

  8. Subramani says:

    Dear sir, How do select best pcd company and what are the process.?

    • admin says:

      Please contact on 9416800700. I will give some points to you which will be helpful for you in selecting pcd company

  9. NIKHIL GUPTA says:

    Very Useful information. Want to start new marketing company. Kindly provide me your assistance.

  10. Gagan says:

    Hey sir i have got my drug wholesale licence .. im a sole proprietor.. after geeting my license do i have to register company again.i mean im not starting a pvt ltd. And also where to get logo registered.

    • admin says:

      Yes , you can register your company. First you take the trademark for the company name. After that logo trademark or registration start. Please call me on 9416800700. I will guide you properly.

  11. Harsh deep Sonker says:

    Sir I want to start a pharmaceutical manufacturing company but I’m not sure if it’s right thing to do at first place please can you help me if I should start a marketing company or manufacturing first .. Please help me

  12. Kausar mumtaz says:

    Pls tell me if I have D.L of u.p. but I want to register the pharma marketing company I n Bombay as my brother reside there so no problem with crospondence address.

  13. Sanidhya Pancholi says:

    Abhi sir can u give me your personal number
    I want some guideline from u for my company

  14. Bhanu Singh says:

    Dear Sir
    Here Myself Bhanu Singh I have 16 year Experience in the Indian Pharmaceutical Industry. And Currently I have Working as an Regional Business Manager in the Top 3 Pharmaceutical Company.
    Now I want to Start own Work like Own Pharma Company So let me know how to check Company Name and Products Name Where I will Check their Registered or not…
    Please Reply Soon

    • admin says:

      You can check on ipindiaonline.
      You can call me on 9416800700. I will tell you each and everything. Which give beat help to you in starting and also manage your inventory and investment.

  15. admin says:

    Hello, first you find the company name for your company and take trade mark for the company name in section 35 and 5 .
    After that choose the product and find good manufacturer with minimum quantity. I suggest you in starting take only 10 products. If you have any further query than you can call me on 9034138048

  16. gaurav says:

    after registration a new company, we can start own work on other person drug license

  17. dr sujatha says:

    Iam a doctor by profession and interested in pharma company , can doctor do this without pharmasist ?
    Thank you for ur complete details about starting a company ,but i need some one to do all this start up for me and give,please kindly help if some one like that will do or can u help me start

    • admin says:

      For the starting a pharmaceutical marketing company You required pharmacist for billing and other purpose. You will manufacture the product from other company but marketed by your company. Also required place for the storage of finish goods. If any thing you want to ask please call us on 9416800700

    • admin says:

      hello dr.
      thanks for like our blog. you can start your company but for the billing and other purpose you required a pharmacist. for more information you can call me on 9034138048

  18. Sumat jain says:

    Dear sir,
    What is Company registration necessary for marketing of medicine and what is MSME certificate not enough for marketing of medicine.
    Please send your contact no for further communication

  19. D. Mahidhar says:

    Plz send your mobile no I need to talk about the Pharma marketing company

  20. Mahi says:

    For starting marketing company, only drug licence is required??

  21. gαurαv вhαrtí says:

    ѕír í wαnnα tσ tαlk tσ чσu αвσut mч phαrmα cσmpαnч . ѕír ít’ѕ mч cσntαct nσ. 9058519011
    gαurαv вhαrtí gσѕwαmí
    thαnkѕ fσr thr wєв phαrmαhєlp

  22. Meet Bhatt says:

    Hi sir / mam , i am a MBBS doctor and i want to start my pharma company. Does my degree helps in anyways ?

  23. Anil Pawar says:

    We want to start pharma company. How we start it. Please give advice.

  24. Padmale S.M. says:

    Hello sir ..I’m b pharm student and I want to talk with u about pharma packaging and surgical industries ..Can u please give me your contact no.

  25. Padmale S.M. says:

    Hello sir ..I’m b pharm student and I want to talk with u about pharma packaging and surgical industries ..

  26. Tanveer says:

    Hi I want to start pharma business.plese contact me 9350847229

  27. Pankaj M Deshmukh says:

    hi, i want to start pharmaceutical marketing company , i read the preliminary process as you have mentioned above ,but what about profit margin and which are the most demanding products ,there are so many questions to ask and i’ll need step by step guidance from you .


  28. RAHULRAO says:

    Hi Sir,

    Thanks for Complete Info & Guidance…..Hope with your guidance I’ll move ahead for launching a Own Pharma Marketing company …..

  29. Pranav malhotra says:

    Sir if i am having a licence in kanpur ,up. So can i register my company in delhi or bombay..and should i have a office there also…plzz guide me sir..

  30. Paresh says:

    Can I print marketing by company name which don’t have drug license

  31. sumit says:

    so much useful information. Thanks for your article it is very helpful in the setup of pharma company.

  32. Ashvin vyas says:

    Hi, thank you for valuable information.
    I need one more information.
    I am a pharmacist (B.pharm) registered in Maharashtra. I want to open pharma marketing company in Rajasthan (Home town).
    It will great help if you suggest steps for doing this.

  33. prashant says:

    hello sir,
    I want to start a my own medical limited company . want to sell products under my company name , manufacturered by other company .
    how to proceed for that..
    i m doctor by profession.
    i want to sell only medical products like pcd sets.
    no medicine and other drugs.
    do i need phamacist , drug liscence number

  34. Adithya says:


    I want to procure pharmaceutical marketing license to sell personal care brands, I understand drug license is required for this as personal care products are regulated in India. Does your company help in getting this done?

    Let me know what all licenses required, I will be getting the formulations manufactured by a pharmaceutical company, and supplying to distributors.

  35. admin says:

    dear, for the whole sale license you have to meet drug inspector of your area.

  36. Rahul says:

    Hello sir I am Rahul Tiwari I have done b sc in 2015 I have medical representatives experience in 4 years I wants to my new register pharma company

    • admin says:

      Hello Rahul,
      Hope you are fine, you can start your own company. for the registration of a company you have to select a name, then apply for trademark, take a gst no.

  37. munish says:

    I wanted to take a moment to express my genuine appreciation for your recent article. It was not only highly informative but also exceptionally well-crafted, providing valuable insights and practical guidance for setting up a marketing company.

    Thank you for sharing your expertise. Your article has been a tremendous help and an inspiration.

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