How To Become Pharmacist In India And Career Option

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How To Become Pharmacist In India And Career Option

This article covers How To Become Pharmacist In India And Career Option as a pharmacist

pharmacist is key leader and plays a important role in field of medical and pharmaceutical industry. It plays a vital role in pharmaceutical industry at different different level like in manufacturing, quality control, quality assurance, pharmacovigilance, r&d, forensic dept., packaging, doses & designing, cosmetic industry, testing. Also plays a important role and link in between doctor and patient. For the dispensing of medicine a doctor required in hospital pharmacy.


If you want to become a pharmacist you should have to do diploma in pharmacy ( D. PHARMA ) , Bachelor of pharmacy (B. PHARMA ) or Doctor of pharmacy ( PHARMA D.) . first you did 12th class from  PCM(physics, chemistry, mathematics) or PCB( physics, chemistry, biology).  In 12th class minimum 50% marks is necessary to take admission in pharmacy course. Most of the states organised entrance exam for the pharmacy course and give admission on the behalf of merit list. In every state various universities present which have pharmacy courses like diploma in pharmacy, bachelor of pharmacy. you did diploma of  pharmacy and bachelor of pharmacy after 12th.


If you did diploma in pharmacy first which completed in 2 years. you covered  pharmaceutics, pharmaceutical chemistry, pharmacognosy, biochemistry & clinical pathology, human anatomy & physiology, health education & community pharmacy, pharmacology & toxicology, pharmaceutical jurisprudence, drug store and business management, hospital and clinical pharmacy. After the completion of 2 year course  500 hours practical training not completed in less than 3 months is must under government hospital. After that the file prepared for the registration of pharmacist.


If you want to do bachelor of pharmacy after 12th , first you fight in competition exam for the seat in good university. After bachelor of pharmacy some universities have good placement record. In bachelor of pharmacy you studied about human anatomy & physiology, pharmacognosy, biochemistry, clinical pharmacy, pharmacology, pharmaceutical chemistry, pharmaceutics, dosage and design, forensic science, microbiology, physical chemistry, analytical chemistry, pharmaceutical engineering, pharmaceutical analysis, medicinal chemistry, packaging technology. During the bachelor of pharmacy in 3rd year 1 month industrial training in pharmaceutical company is essential.


After the bachelor of pharmacy you can join master of pharmacy. which has 2 year duration. for taking interview entrance exam is there. for the test you should have minimum 50% marks in bachelor of pharmacy . fight for master of pharmacy seat first get good rank in entrance exam and then you get seat in good collage. even a pharmacist can go abroad for master study. various specialization present in Master of pharmacy like

  • Master of pharmacy Pharmacology
  • Master of pharmacy Pharmacognosy
  • Master of pharmacy Pharmaceutics (drug regulatory affairs)
  • Master of pharmacy Industrial pharmacy
  • Master of pharmacy Pharmaceutical chemistry


  • If you want to do doctor of pharmacy after 10+2 Science academic stream with Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics or Biology OR Diploma in Pharmacy from PCI approved institution then it is 6 year study.
  • If you want to do doctor of pharmacy after  bachelor of pharmacy then you get admission in 4th year of doctor of pharmacy.

Even after the completion of diploma in pharmacy a person can joined bachelor of pharmacy. you get admission in 2nd year of bachelor of pharmacy. after the completion you will apply for the registration of pharmacist.

For registration as a Pharmacist

registration of pharmacist is done by the State Pharmacy Councils constituted by the State Govts. under section 19 of the Pharmacy Act. The registration is done under section 33 read with 32(2) of the Pharmacy act, according to which minimum statutory requirements for registration are as under: –

Applicant should have attained the age of 18 years & pay the prescribed fee.

  1. Application should resided or carry on the business or profession of Pharmacy, in the State.
  2. Applicant should have passed an approved examination or he should posses a qualification approved under section 14 of the Pharmacy Act or is a registered pharmacist in another state.

It is most respectfully submitted that under section  10 of the Pharmacy Act, the PCI is decide to prescribe the minimum standard of education required for qualification as a pharmacist and as per regulation 2 of the Education Regulations,. 1991, an approved course and examination for registration as a pharmacist is “a pass in diploma or degree course in Pharmacy” from an institution approved by the PCI u/s 12 of the Pharmacy Act. The college and university approved by pharmacy council of india (PCI) and college and university inspected time to time by pharmacy council of india (PCI).



    1. Hard File Cover of Card Board with tag.
    2. Prescribed Application Form duly filled along with attested latest  passport size photograph of candidate.
    3. Prescribed Fee deposited in any of the Bank. If u have study outside of the state then some extra fee applicable for verification also and if u want to transfer from one state to other state then extra fee will be paid as migration fees. ( these fee different in different state)
    4. Attach six latest & identical passport size photographs out of which 1 be duly attested.
    5. Original Affidavit on non-judicial stamp paper of Rs. 10/- duly attested by Notary Public OR 1st Class Magistrate . the material for the stamp paper can be download from the web site of state pharmacy council .
    6. Practical Training Certificate from recognized Government/Semi Government/Civil Dispensary etc. (In Original) (it is mandatory for Diploma Pharmacy Candidates only)
    7. Original Character Certificate issued from the last attended institution.
    8. Letter from institution/college showing its approval from pharmacy council of India (PCI) for Diploma/Degree course for the year in which candidate qualifies its Diploma/Degree.
    9. Provisional Degree Certificate issued from the College/University showing passed Diploma/Degree in Pharmacy examination (original)
    10. Without Address mentioned on large size water proof envelope (25cm x 30cm) in size or more with duly stamp of Rs. 40/-.

Only Photo Copy of the following documents duly attested:

  1. Matric pass certificate and Mark Sheet from Haryana Board or CBSE Board or any other Govt. Recognized Board showing Date of birth, Father’s Name & Mother’s Name.
  2. 12th Pass Certificate and Mark Sheet from Haryana Board or CBSE Board or any other Govt. Recognized Board showing requisite subjects passed i.e. as mentioned by the PCI
  3. Mark-Sheets of Diploma/Degree/ Pharma d. in Pharmacy of all the years.
  4. Copy of Diploma / Degree issued from the University (if awarded). If u don’t have Diploma / Degree and done your Diploma / Degree outside of the State then provide undertaking letter issued by the College / University but if u have done Diploma / Degree in Haryana then give undertaking letter from yourself.
  5. Copy of Ration Card (first & its back side) showing name & address of applicant OR Voter I-Card, Adhar Card, Passport, state Domicile will be accepted as residence proof.

When you did your registration as a pharmacist then renewal takes place after the specified time period which is decided by the state pharmacy council. some state follow this annual basis and some 3 or 5 years.

After the pharmacy majority of pharmacy graduates work as pharmacists in large retail chains or independent pharmacies( pharmacy shop) but there are various job options available within academia, regulatory bodies, technical work and the pharmaceutical industry.

Job options

  • Community pharmacy
  • Hospital pharmacist
  • Research scientist (medical)

Jobs option where your degree would be useful :

  • In government jobs (drug inspector, pharmacist
  • As a Clinical research associate
  • Higher education lecturer in pharmacy college and universities
  • Medical sales representative , Area sales manager , regional sales manager ,
  • Medical marketing or marketing manager in pharmaceutical company
  • Product manager in pharmaceutical company
  • Training manager in pharmaceutical company
  • Quality control job in pharmaceutical company
  • Quality assurance job in pharmaceutical company
  • Production chemist or Production incharge
  • Pharmacologist
  • Medical transcriptionist
  • Product/process development scientist
  • Regulatory affairs officer
  • Research scientist (life sciences) , Research and development
  • Science writer
  • Toxicologist
  • Run own pharmaceutical manufacturing company
  • Run own pharmaceutical marketing company


In this article We try to give detail about How To Become Pharmacist In India And Carrier Option

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25 Responses

  1. shivam soni says:

    यदि मेडिकल शॉप खोलना हो तो registration के अलावा लायसेंस कैसे लेना हैं कृपया बतलावे

    • admin says:

      for opening of medical shop licence is must. for the licence two ways are there.
      1. you do your pharmacy course and then use your registration for opening shop.
      2. you hire a pharmacist those having registration. you are the owner of the shop and hire pharmacist on monthly salary.

  2. Madhu says:

    Can I register myself as pharmacist in B.Pharm-3yr?
    What is the procedure?

    • admin says:

      No dear ,
      You must be clear the all exam and after completing duration of b. Pharma ,you will go for pharmacist registration. Complete degree is required for registration and all mark sheet attached in the file of registration.

  3. Shirish says:

    I am interested in career as Medical Shop Owner. I am DTE Diploma holder of Computer Science from Maharashtra. What course should I need to go for the said business of Medical Shop?

  4. Prakash says:

    How can I transfer farmacy registration from chhatisgarh to Delhi ?
    Please give full details including fee, Required Docs and time Period of process.

  5. Khambhala vaghabhai A. says:

    I have passed 12the science with PCB . I want to study in diploma pharma. Then I want to start my own medical store so from where I study it.pls ans me.

    • admin says:

      Thanks for your comment, for diploma in pharmacy you should have to take admission in pharmacy college. You can open medical store after diploma or degree in pharmacy but difference in the time period for both courses. kindly mention your state name for more information then we can help more.

  6. Rahul says:

    Sir Is there entrance exam for the lateral entry in Bpharm 2nd year?…Sir actually Im doing Dpharm from a Pvt. College in Jharkand.

  7. Jyothi says:

    Hi admin.
    My self jyothi(B.pharm) , who Attended for pci registration on 17 jnuary2020 in telngana state, how mny days does it takes to receive my certificate?
    Can i get passbook along with cerificate?

  8. Sachin Chowdhery says:

    Dear sir I want to open medical store. I am 38 years old . I have graduated in computer science with 12th as PCM. Can I do diploma in pharmacy by correspondence in Delhi

  9. Valavala Venkata Satya Rajiv says:


  10. Anjali says:

    Job opportunities for diploma in pharmacy students

  11. Rajesh says:

    Hello, I am Rajesh from Visakhapatnam. I have completed my graduation specialized in Computer science and Engineering. I wish to open a medical shop but I don’t have a pharmacy certificate. Can I complete diploma in pharmacy course through distance education? Does any institute In India provide distance education in pharmacy? My eye sight is not good and I also have other health issues. Due to which I prefer to stay at home. Is there any way to get Pharmacist license other than hiring a pharmacist? Please send me a solution for this problem.

    • admin says:

      Dear Rajesh,
      diploma in pharmacy is not done by distance education but in your local area may be some colleges help you for non attending education. But it required efforts.

  12. Jitu Gupta says:

    Hi I am from Madhya Pradesh and want to open my Medical Store so, diploma in pharmacy is
    Good for me? By doing a diploma course can I eligible for opening a Medical Shop in Madhya Pradesh.

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