Frequently asked questions for Interview related to Pharmacology

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Frequently asked questions for Interview related to Pharmacology

Frequently Asked Question in medical representative  and  area  sales manager interview.

we covered generally asked questions related to pharmacology and body in this article but lot of things depend on the person who is taking interview.

  1. What is pharmacology? 

Pharmacology is a branch of science that deals with drugs. Or  the study of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics.

2. What is pharmacokinetic ? 

ADME – absorption , distribution , metabolism , excretion. pharmacokinetics means What the body does to the drug.

3. What is pharmacodynamic ? 

Pharmacodynamics means what the drug does to the body.

4.What is a drug?   

A drug is a chemical substance which is used to prevent, diagnose, treat or alleviate symptoms of disease.                                         

5. What is a  medicine ?

A substance or preparation which is used in the treatment of disease. a medicine prevent and cure the disease.                                                                              The branch of  medicine concerned with the non surgical treatment of disease.

6. What is a dose ? 

A specific amount of drug prescribed to be taken at one time.

7. What is cell ? 

It is the smallest structural and functional unit of a organism. it is typically  microscopic and consists of cytoplasm and a nucleus . cytoplasm and nucleus covered by cell membrane.          

8. What is tissue ?       

A tissue is an group of similar cells and their extracellular matrix from the same origin that together perform a specific action.                                                  Type of tissue- epithelial tissue,  connective tissue, muscular tissues, nervous tissues  

9. What is organ ? 

Organs formed  by the functional grouping together of multiple tissues.

10. What is the system ? 

System is made up of number of organs present in body.

11. How many system present in body ?   

Total 11 system present in body.

  1. Nervous system
  2.  Skeletal system 
  3.  Muscular system
  4. Respiratory system
  5. Digestive system
  6. Circulatory system 
  7. Reproductive system 
  8. Excretory system 
  9. Urinary system       
  10. Lymphatic system
  11. Integumentary system

12. What is blood ? 

Blood is red colour connective tissue . It runs in the body and carrying oxygen and other elements to tissue and away carbon dioxide ( CO2 ) from the tissues of the body. It circulates in the arteries and veins in human body and in vertebrate animals. It contain  RBC (red blood cells), WBC( white blood cells ), PLATELETS present in blood .

13. What is antibiotic?   

Antibiotic used in the treatment or prevention of bacterial function. It inhibit the growth of bacteria. eg. – cephalosporin, penicillin, quinolines, macrolides.

14. What is gram positive bacteria ?

Gram positive bacteria is the bacteria that gives positive result in  gram stain test. It gives dark blue or violet colour in gram stain test.                                                 

15. What is gram negative bacteria ? 

Gram negative bacteria lost his crystal violet colour in gram stain test. Gram negative appear red or pink due to counterstrain.

16. What is potency ? 

Is an expression of the activity of a drug in terms of the concentration or amount of the drug required to produce a defined effect.

17. What is efficacy ? 

The ability or power to produce desired effect. Clinical efficacy judges the therapeutic effectiveness of the drug in human.

18. What is therapeutic window ?

The ratio of maximum tolerated concentration to minimum effective concentration. It is an index of safety profile of the drug. Wider the window, safer the drug.

19. What is Bio-availability ?         

It is the amount of active drug present in circulation. It is expressed in percentages.

20. How many route of administration present.

ORAL ROUTE – syrups, tablets, capsules, suspensions                                                    PARENTERAL ROUTE – intramuscular , intravenous, subcutaneous,      intradermal                                                                                                                            TOPICAL – cream, ointment, lotion, drops

21. What is Cmax ? 

Maximum concentration achieved by the drug in the body.

22. What is Tmax ? 

It is the time at which Cmax is achieved.

23. What is half-life ?

It is the time taken to reduce the concentration of the drug by 50%. In this case from 50 units to 25 units.

24. What is AUC ? 

It denotes the area under the plasma concentration time curve , means the time at which the drug is available in the circulation.

25. What is volume of distribution ?

Volume of distribution is the theoretical volume that would be necessary to contain the total amount of an administered drug at the same concentration that is observed in the blood plasma.

26. What is toxicology ?

It is study of adverse effect of chemical substance or any drug.            

27. What is drug excretion ?

The elimination of drug from the by the organs either in unaltered form or in modified form. example- kidney is the main excretory organ in body.

28. What is the tolerance ? 

It is the decrease in response to a drug that is used repeatedly.

29. What is blood brain barrier (BBB) ?

It is a tight endothelial cells of the brain capillaries and glial cells of the brain

30. What is a receptor ?

A receptor is area on the cell at which the drug acts. every drug acts by binding at a particular site (receptor) on the cell.

31. What is agonist ?

A drug which have same structural similarity to receptor and also has high intrinsic activity  which bring about pharmacological action.

32. What is antagonist ?

A drug which have same structural similarity to receptor but  has no  intrinsic activity and thus can not produce pharmacological action.

33. What is antidote ?

Antidote  is a substance which counteract a form of poisoning.

34. What is adverse drug reaction ?

Adverse drug reaction is injury caused by taking a medication. It occur due to single dose or prolonged administration of drug. The study of adverse drug reaction is the concern of the field known as pharmacovigilance.

35. What is NSAIDs ?

It is the non steroidal anti-inflammatory  drugs, it blocks the COX (cyclooxygenase) enzyme reduce prostaglandins throughout the body. It is uses in pain, fever and reduced inflammation. example- aspirin, diclofenac.

36. What is fever ?

An abnormally high body temperature. In fever shivering and headache are common symptoms.

37. What is shock ?

It is a clinical condition in which there is  an inadequate supply of blood to tissues. It causes hypo-tension , oliguria and metabolic acidosis.


  • hypovolemic shock
  • septic shock
  • cardiogenic shock
  • anaphylactic shock

We try to give detail about Frequently Asked Question in medical representative  and  area  sales manager interview.

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13 Responses

  1. Ajit Kumar says:

    Good knowledge distribution

  2. Ajit Kumar says:


  3. Rahul Sagar says:

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  4. Rahul Sagar says:

    Really good knowledgeable

  5. Vittal L Mathade says:

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  6. Ram Naresh Chaurasia says:

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  7. Rajesh kumar says:

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  9. Dharmendra Singh says:

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  10. johnjoseph says:


  11. Tulika das says:

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