Sales and Marketing both are closely related to each other.and are aimed to increase revenue of organisation. In small organisation there is not so much difference in sale and marketing but in big organisation there is lot of difference in sales and marketing and they have specialised people to handle both departments independently.
A sale is agreement between seller and buyer of the particular money, goods and services. MARKETING
a Marketing refers to a activities a company undertakes to promote the buying and selling of a product or a service.

A sale is the transaction between two or more parties in which seller sale the goods and the buyer received the goods. goods may be tangible or intangible. even in current era services also include in this category. against of this transaction seller received money or any other assets. In simple language a sale is agreement between seller and buyer of the particular money, goods and services. The main motive behind the sale is to earn profit. In the healthcare industry the sale part is responsible for getting profit and growth for the company. For the sales company hires lot of salesman, sales women, sales persons, managers. They spend time in the respective market and always try to sale more products of company. For increasing the sale company makes lot of planning according to the market scenario. sale provide direct interaction with buyer. The health care companies perform indirect interaction with buyer with the help of salesperson, salesman, sales women, medical representative, area managers. sale is a activity related to sale goods or no. of goods or services sold in given targeted time period. The organisations gives lot of offers, benefits and promotional material for increasing sales.
A marketing means identifying needs of the customer. Marketing includes research (find products according to customer needs and market requirement), development of new product and improve old products (produce innovative products) and promotion of products by various channel like advertisements, print material and by social media. In marketing the create awareness of product for consumers. For the marketing of products the organisations hire specialised person ( marketing manager). marketing manager makes strategies for the promotion of products and launch the product in market. In marketing part all planning and strategies build for longer period after the specific research and data of competitor. Before the introduction of new marketing strategy for a new or old product, the organisation observe and trap competitor activity data, set marketing priorities and decide the budget of marketing campaigns. After that a unique marketing strategy develop and project in the market. Right marketing creates the Big Brand in market in short time period. In healthcare industry the in marketing section include planning of product, packing of product, competitor share, total market share, launch time, promotional material, no. of sampling, target customer, ratio of profitability and revenue generation with in specific time frame, execution of planning, budget management, marketing plans. Marketing is footboard for sales.
- Marketing means generating leads or prospects and sales means converting leads or prospects into purchases and orders.
- Sales is a short term for finding customer and convert into exchange. where as marketing is a long term process of building a name or brand in market.
- Marketing is directly related to need of customer and sale is not related to customer need.
- Marketing is responsible for brand and promotion where as sale is not related to promotion of brand.
The sucess of a organisation is totally dependent on the sales and marketing. pharmaceutical and biotech marketers use a variety of strategies and planning to reach consumers and professional audience. they use various marketing channels, sales strategies and promotional activities for revenue generation.
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This article give some detail about the job, role and responsibilities of marketing manager. we hope this article helps you to grab the job.
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