Questioning For Senior Management Interview
Questioning For Senior Management Interview :-

In this article we are covering those interview questions which is important for the senior management interview like zonal sales manger, deputy general manager. Because on the behalf of interview the company decided your vision and approach for job.
First we have to know about sales team in Pharmaceutical Sector.
Sales team Includes:
Medical Representative (Front Line Manager)
Area Sales Manager (ASM)
Regional Sales Manager (RSM)
Zonal Sales Manager (ZSM)
Country Manager (international location) OR Deputy General Manager (DGM)
General Manager (GM)
Vice President (VP)
1 Question – What is the highest level of education you have received?
Answer – B.pharma — FY 2001.
2 Question – List all degrees you have earned? Give the names of the Institutions from which
each degree was earned and the field of study of each degree?
Answer –
1. B.pharma
2. Intermediate FY 1998
3. Matriculation FY 1996
3 Question – List any other education or Training relevant to the (position title) position?
Answer – Workshops /Training previous employer for skills development
4 Question – Who is your Present or Most Recent Employer? Answer – mention the present or most recent employer name
5 Question – What are /were you major responsibilities at (present/most recent job) As a Managerial Post?
Answer – Following are my major job responsibilities:-
6 Question – Which skills have you acquired in your present or previous positions that make you competitive for this position?
Answer – Though there are many parameters (skills) I have learned and adopted.
7 Question – What do/did you like best about this position? What do/did like the least?
Answer – The Best I like about this position is that what ever I have learned I have to transform it in my Team Members so that they can also Rise in their Future Career. Whereas the Least which I like in this position is that the more you move up the ladder in any organization (Politics started which I like the Least).
8 Question – Which accomplishment in your present position are you proud of and why?
Answer – 3 out of 12 ABMs( area business manager) from my Team Entitled to become eligible for Level Next.
1 out of 3 RM (regional sales manager) from my team entitled to become eligible for next level.
9 Question – Have you found any ways to make your job easier or more rewarding?
Answer – The easiest way to make any Job more rewarding is to make your Team Members more Robust and Successful, and hence your Job automatically becomes More Rewarding and much Easier.
10 Question – What do you do differently from other people in the same position?
Answer – I always tried that the given job should always be done under System & Process. so, that the chances of incompleteness are less and everyone grows.
11 Question – Are you doing a good job? How do you know?
Answer – YES, I am doing my Job with complete dedication, Honesty & Sincerity & I knew it as my Superiors and juniors are accepting it on my back with most Satisfaction.
12 Question – Give me some examples of doing more than required in your job?
Answer – For a successful person, there is no end of doing things.
He always do the things differently and learn from the previous for the betterment. He always ready to apply in present and future.
13 Question – What new ideas or suggestions have you come up with at work?
Answer – The New ideas or suggestions which came up with at work :-
A. Always think and plan with some alternatives with you well in advance in case of Failure.
B. Don’t be Rigid. always look for New Opportunities with Calculated Risks.
C. Always belief that Failure is the next step towards getting Success….
“Every action there is an equal & opposite reaction”…Newton’s 3rd Law.
14 Question – Have you found any ways to make other employee’s jobs easier or more rewarding?
Answer – By empowering my Team members with only 3 functions, I found the Job to be more rewarding for them. The functions are;–
1. Attitude
2. Skills
3. Knowledge
15 Question – What career accomplishment are you most proud of?
Answer – The major accomplishment for which I still have Proud of my Relations with my Previous Employers and my Previous Seniors and Team Members who still remembers me and Love me in all my Good & Tough Time.
16 Question – What pressures do you feel in your job? How do you deal with them?
Answer – The major pressure is to get remain successful consistently.
My formula is Simple, just to follow….Systems & Process.
17 Question – Describe the highest pressure situations you have been under recently. How do you cope with them?
Answer – The highest pressure which I came across is at VRS(virtual retirement scheme) time in company( mention the name of company) last march 2007(mention the month and year). when 9 PSR’s took VRS out of 16 PSR’s. I cope up with it by making my Team ReUnited and Motivated, so that Success doesn’t get affected.
18 Question – Tell me how you maintain constant performance while under time and work load pressure.
Answer – To maintain Constant Performance, first of all I decide what my major priorities are, And than make a work plan and than follow up it by analyzing all areas by which Performance does not get deviated from its path of Success.
19 Question – In your Career, what has been your greatest disappointment?
Answer – The Greatest disappointment is when after trying all, Finally I have to take a harsh decision on behalf of Management,To depart Poor performers from their Job because of Sales and system.
20 Question – We’ve all lost our temper at one time or another. Describe for me the last time you lost your temper. What had occurred? How do you respond?
Answer – I lost Temper almost very occasionally, But the last time when I lost my Temper because one of my Team Member not following Organization strategy, I respond him by planning extra Joint work with him so that he may analyze the importance and don’t repeat this (casual approach) in Future.
21 Question – Give me an example of when your ideas were strongly opposed by a co worker or supervisor. What was the situation? What was you reaction? What was the result?
Answer – One of my Team Members is very calculated in doing SALES, I was utilizing his Sales abilities by motivating him to do EXTRA SALES, and for this my Superior was strongly opposing me, Whereas my Superior wants Extra sales from me all the Time. I than forward my Plan to my Superior that when ever he is demanding EXTRA SALES. I have to convert & obey his advice accordingly with out disturbing my other Team Members in their regular process of generating sales with their efforts . Moreover I am managing EXTRA DEMANDED SALES with available resources without having backup of any Extra advantage given to me neither by the organization nor by my Superior.
Finally, my superior realized this and the END Result is a Win Win situation for all.
22 Question – How do you organize your day?
Answer – My day usually organized in two parts:–
A. Professionally
B. Personally.
Professionally ……
To interact My Team and seniors to know the Latest update of Market And to check the Monthly Sales process with updated progress.
After working, if I am out, always in touch through phone to know the wellness of all and if I am Local, than try to devote some time to my Parents and do all small and household work.
23 Question – How do you established priorities in scheduling your time? Give examples.
Answer – My priorities begins with my Tour Programmer, I arranged the day to met all Leading Customers along with my Team Member and than accordingly brief my Team Members about their “STRENGTH & AREA OF IMPROVEMENT” and than I report all to my Senior or Head Office to update them About the Days proceedings.
24 Question – What is your procedure for keeping track of items requiring your attention?
Answer – Usually I CARRY Planner where each & every event is recorded for Tracking. Also I carry my Laptop to update all records and update them timely.
25 Question – We have all had times when we just could not get everything done on time. Tell me about a time that this happened to you. What did you do?
Answer – Sometimes as Managers we have to do extra work and because of this extra work some routine things get affected. One such instance is when because of small delay in concluding the Meeting, I have missed my Train and than I have to wait for almost 4 hours for catching up the Next Train.
Then and there I learn and Fixed up in my mind, that Time is Important for everyone, and we have to Respect it or else situation like this usually occurs.
26 Question – Do you postpone things? What are good reasons to postpone things?
Answer – No, Usually I never postponed things.
27 Question – How do you catch up on an accumulated backlog of work after a vacation?
Answer – I never compromised on my work (in my vacation too) and that is why there is no Question of accumulated backlog.
28 Question – What are your standards of success in your job? What have you done to meet these standards?
Answer –
A. Attitude
B. Systems & Process.
I always tried to FOLLOW both by learning up with people whom I met and work.
29 Question – Bosses sometimes are not satisfied with the way we do certain things or complete certain projects. Can you give me some examples of when this happened to you?
Answer – Sometimes with my own Ideas I prepare some New Plans which I thought liked by my Superiors, but still sometimes I get instances that despite having Good project plan, my Boss still find many drawbacks and almost discourage me for developing New Ideas.
Than and there with some innovations I have started always at end of my Presentation to have some Opinion & Suggestion part also so that effective measures taken to note down for the complete and successful part of the project from either side.
30 Question – What factors, other than pay, do you consider most important in evaluating yourself or your success?
Answer –
A. Positive attitude.
B. Influencing Nature.
C. Team Building ability.
D. Leadership qualities.
31 Question – Everyone has to bend or break the rules sometimes. Can you give me some examples of when you had to do this?
Answer – Usually during Award Functions, sometimes to come more closer with my colleagues like a Friend, I break rules of parting late night with them which as a Senior & Manager I can try to avoid.
32 Question – When judging the performance of others, what factors or characteristics are most important for you?
Answer –
A. Attitude.
B. Honesty.
C. To give up your Best, despite having Fear of Success or Failure.
33 Question – Describe the time you had worked the hardest and felt the greatest sense of achievement?
Answer – During my Initial days after becoming Area Manager,
I had work days in & out to match up my standard with the Team Members whose responsibility given to me And after getting their Faith and than working all together for one AIM I really felt the greatest sense of my achievement as a Leader.
34 Question – We’ve all had to work with people who are very difficult to get along with. Give me an example of when this happened to you. Why was the person difficult? How did you handle the person? What was the result?
Answer – The difficult time I came across while I have to work with a person senior to me for almost 13 years, Her approach towards work is clearer than mine, Her approach to manipulate things were more realistic,To handle Her, I have to approach towards entirely different plan which on one way does
not disturb her,
Secondly, she should accept me as a person first than a Boss as I am and when I started involving her in Decision making she start opening up and slowly & slowly the indifference of gaps bridges up and finally the she has started involving herself by motivating and influencing the entire Team Members with her positive and successful approach and that was the RESULT I am expecting which finally I get.
35 Question -How do you go about developing rapport (relationships) with individuals at work?
Answer –
A. Be a Good Human being first.
B. Understand the Individual first before making any opinion about him.
C. Understand their STRENGTHS and than guide them to use them positively.
D. Always guide or coach them with most Honesty in making up their Career.
36 Question – What different approached do you use in talking with different people? How do you know you are getting your point across?
Answer –
A. Understand the person first by his attitude.
B. Start communication on skills & knowledge part for better understanding.
C. Should be a Good listener so as to understand the individual Thought process.
37 Question – Describe any supervisory or leadership training, schooling, or work experience you have and its relevance to this position?
Answer – June 2010, Mumbai, International Faculty of company gave us Leadership training which was designed how to influence people and to take the BEST out from them.
38 Question – Give a specific example of something you have done that demonstrates you are a team player?
Answer – One of my Team Member getting married and his Monthly incentive may get cancelled because of his Marriage leaves, I have fix up his area and met all his important customers . so that his budget should not get disturbed and by this act entire Team start accepting me that. when ever there is a Tough time I am always there to cope up & help them out from the situation.
39 Question – What leadership skills and experience do you have that would qualify you as an effective leader? Be specific?
Answer –
- COACHING – For Improving Performance of Team.
- MONITORING – Provide Direction towards Success.
- PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT – Step by step approach for performance
Enhancement & Key Skills Development. - REPORTING – Reflection of Field Work Discipline.
40 Question – Give me some examples of past working experience that you have found personally satisfying?
Answer –
- Star Performer in 2002 went to Goa along with my wife.
- Star Performer in 2004 went to Dubai as a Successful PSR.
- Star Manager in 2005 went to Bangkok along with 5 of my Team Members.
- Take Delhi Team for the 1st Time in last 10 years to achieved > 103% in 2010
41 Question – Why do you want to be a —ZSM (Zonal sales manager) OR (title of position)?
Answer – To established in New Roles & Responsibility.
42 Question – Why did you choose this (career, type of work)?
Answer – Personal Challenge to prove in adverse situation. Career challenges for new and upcoming responsibilities.
43 Question – What job values are important to you?
Answer – Following responsibilities & Job values are important;–
• Sales Achievement.
• Business Enhancement
• Marketing Promotions
• Negotiation Skills
• Team Management
• Time Management
• Interpersonal Skills
• Presentation Abilities
• Client Satisfaction
• Customer Relationship
44 Question – What are the advantages to work in a new company?
Answer –
A) You can prove yourself with your ability & approach of New Assignment.
B) You can join on Better Package for Monetary Gains.
C) You can join on Better Designation.
45 Question – What are the disadvantage and difficulties when working in a new company?
Answer – A. New Company & its People acceptance is the foremost First Challenge.
B. You have to deliver what you project to Gain Organization & Seniors confidence.
C. You have to have less Failure chances for your’s as well as your Team for
Surviving and than building up Success consistently & gradually.
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we just try to give idea for the interview question. these are the most asked questions during interview. we hope it will really helpful for you during interview.
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One Response
very fruitful points has been mentioned in article and it is practically related to our interview.i request team please send more and more articles like this in coming days also so we must be benfited and spread such type of question answer in manager group for preparing for next level manager.i express my sincere thanks to this wonderful team .